Homer Youth String Orchestra Club (HYSOC) WELCOME PARTY

Play Music, Have Fun & Enjoy Pizza and Popsicles!
Come kick-off the 2024 HYSOC season or stop by and check out what the Homer OPUS afterschool youth orchestra program is all about. Whether you’ve already registered your child/children for the Homer Youth String Orchestra Club (HYSOC) or are simply curious about the program, we invite you and your family to join us.
Please have your kids bring their instruments and a music stand if they have one. This will be a wonderful, low-key opportunity for students to play music together if they want to. For those stopping by curious about our programs, this will be a good chance to see OPUS kids in action!
After we put our strings away, we welcome Gretchen Grube, a visiting violinist and music educator from Chicago who will lead a bucket drumming workshop.
In case of stormy weather, the party will take place at Little Fireweed on Pioneer Avenue. We will update a location change here if it is needed, and through our email list. Not sure if you’re already on the email list? Email programmanager@homeropus.org.
**Please note that the date and time have changed since the previous email went out