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It has been eight years since I first started participating in the Homer Youth String Orchestra. I can still remember my first day standing in the West Homer Elementary School’s music room, terrified to be sharing a stand with a high school student. I remember leaving that day thinking that I was so glad it was over and I never wanted to go back again. However, I kept going back every week. I made friends and started to enjoy playing music with others.
If I had stopped going on my first day, I would have never found my love of music which would follow me throughout high school and potentially through college. I would have never found the courage to push myself out of my comfort zone, and explore new things. I would have never met such amazing mentors as Lisa Schallock, Daniel Perry, and Ben Wu who have all demonstrated great patience in my progression of playing, and instilled an appreciation of music. And most importantly I would have never met such influential peers who have enriched my relationship with music and inspired me to keep pursuing music.
It is safe to say that my life would have been so very different if I had never participated in Homer Youth String Orchestra. I am glad that I go to be a part of the sound that this wonderful group produces. I know that it will benefit me for years to come.
Neviya Reed
Graduating Senior 2022
When asked, “What has playing orchestral music meant to me?” I am reminded of my role in the Homer Council of the Arts Shakespeare Play: Twelfth Night. In the play, Duke Orsino says, “ If music be the food of love, play on…” One interpretation of this line is that he was hoping that excess music might relieve him from his obsession with love. Playing in the orchestra and talking lessons from Lisa Shallock was relief from my obsession with learning. I have a very inquisitive mind and music soothes my thoughts. It was a time in my week where I gained perspective on the world. I could let my mind relax and I could take on a new venue of learning. I liked the relaxing breath that I could take when I played my cello with the accompaniment of others. It was a precious time in my week. I learned to appreciate string instruments and the beauty of a string orchestra. I realized as soon as I picked up my cello that it would be my friend and companion for life. It was with pleasure that I played it in the symphony since fourth grade. I appreciate the friendships that came from playing in the orchestra and the many mentors who have encouraged me. I am expanding my cello repertoire outside of orchestral music but I know that the Homer Youth Symphony Orchestra has given me a gift for life.
Nolan Bunting
Graduating Senior 2016
1) Orchestral music for me was a way to experience new music that I had not been exposed to. The music I have learned and played has been a lot of fun, and really opened me up in terms of musical knowledge.
2) I would tell a beginning musician to never give up, and to always keep practicing. But most importantly, I would remind them to have fun, and enjoy the music.
3) After I graduate in high school, I plan to play with the Kenai Peninsula Orchestra over the summer. During the winters, I will most likely be in Fairbanks, going to college, and I plan to minor in music. Hopefully there will be some musical groups that I can join while I am living up there. Past that, I have no idea what will happen.